Creating buildings that produce more
energy than they require
Dave de Sylva P. Eng., President of GreenLife Del Ridge, is pleased to announce the next step to greater sustainability with Howland Green Homes Ltd. A new and even better commitment to real change in a building system that has brought great recognition and awareness in the building world.
Howland Green means building beyond the Net Zero standard into Net Positive territory. It means even more insulation, greater technology in conservation, advanced energy sharing practices resulting in even lower operating energies and lower operating costs. Howland Green is committed to producing more clean energy from Solar and Wind than ever before. Howland Green now sets the standard for others to follow. Make your next home or business choice a Howland Green one.

Dave de Sylva P. Eng.
The Howland Green Program
A unique combination of lowering energy consumption on locations even removed from the building site by offering free reduction practices to existing inefficient buildings. Howland Green will also generate off site solar on nearby buildings which, when combined with the on site photo voltaic system will exceed all demands generated by the building and giving back to the community the excess clean pollution free energy.
Howland Green Tree Fund
Dave de Sylva’s commitment to planting 1000’s of trees in conjunction with Forest Ontario in conservation areas around the Province continues and thereby guarantees Mother Nature’s place in ongoing sequestering of atmospheric carbon for decades to come. This program will continue to reflect Dave’s passion to bring real engagement of known technology to deal with ever increasing global climate issues. The Tree Fund will reflect and be a function of the very building program for each project by sponsoring mass planting for each project.
Howland Green Management
A property management company owned and operated by Howland Green Homes to take care of your needs beyond the point of delivery. Howland Green Management takes the unknown out of the technology and shares it with you the owner. Howland Green Homes stays with you for years to monitor and demonstrate just how and why real sustainability is no mystery indeed. It practices both building science and good management to take the worry out of how your building works and teach you the owner by sharing information so that all can learn.
Howland Green, Beyond Net Zero.
The goal of Howland Green is to have a positive effect on the environment by going beyond the limits of any particular site with solutions which collectively will result in a benefit at large. By broadening the solution domain to areas outside of the immediate development site, Howland Green deals with our global issue of de-carboning our world in more than one locale. The sustainability challenges are broad based affecting entire atmospheres. Accordingly, any movement to address any problem anywhere will affect and assist the common good.

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